Tabletop Simulator Mac Os Catalina

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Anybody who uses Xcode will know overtime simulators for watchOS, tvOS, iOS versions gets longer plus take-up more disk space, but how do you delete older versions since there isn't a delete button?

  1. Hi, I just installed steam on a mac running Catalina (the latest version of OSX) and was sad to see that tabletop simulator wouldn't run due to being 32-bit. Are there any plans to offer a 64-bit version that will run on Catalina?
  2. Tabletop Simulator is flagged as incompatible but runs fine on Catalina. Continue this thread. Best way is to create a partition and install Mac OS 10.14 or older on it just for games. It’s possible to actually run at least 4 versions of Mac OS on separate partitions (likely many more, but I only tested 4 on one Mac).
  3. Tabletop Simulator and a few others technically work, but the graphics are hosed. I have no idea if they worked right before Catalina or not. Metal games in particular seem to want to only display half-screen, but for games that can run either Metal or Open GL, Open GL works well.
  4. Now in Simulator choose the following in the navigation Hardware Device Manage Devices. Then from the popup choose the Simulators tab and from the list of simulators just highlight the relevant simulator and press the delete button. You can also press the ctrl to get a popup menu when selecting the simulator. Next delete the files on your.

Mac Os X Simulator

Well here is a quick snippet showing where and what files to delete to make more space.

Note: Used for Xcode version 9 so unsure about lower versions.

About Tabletop Simulator. Create your own original games, import custom assets, automate games with scripting, set up complete RPG dungeons, manipulate the physics, create hinges & joints, and of course flip the table when you are losing the game. All with an easy to.

Delete them in the Developer Tools Simulator:

In the Xcode navigation choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator.

Now in Simulator choose the following in the navigation Hardware > Device > Manage Devices.

Then from the popup choose the Simulators tab and from the list of simulators just highlight the relevant simulator and press the delete button. You can also press the ctrl to get a popup menu when selecting the simulator.

Next delete the files on your drive:

Tabletop Simulator Mac Catalina

First quit Xcode and go to the following directory.

And inside there you will find several dmg files, just delete the relevant simulator files such as as an example.

Mac os x simulator online

Tabletop Simulator Mac Catalina

Then go to the following directory.

Again choose the relevant simulator you want to delete such as iOS 8.1.simruntime for example.

Now restart Xcode and all the items will no longer be available plus you will have made a few gigabytes of space.

Note: If you forget and want to install them again choose the following Xcode > Preferences > Components tab.

Hope you find this little snippet handy.

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